Thermographic Services, Inc.
8472 Adams Farm Road
Randleman, NC 27317-7331
(800) 248-SCAN (toll-free)
(336) 498-GREG (voice)
(336) 689-3658 (cell)
Gregory R. Stockton is a principal in three infrared companies; Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc. (www.StocktonInfrared.com), United Infrared, Inc. (www.UnitedInfrared.com) and RecoverIR, Inc. (www.RecoverIR.com). Stockton Infrared is a nationwide multi-disciplined infrared service contractor. United Infrared is a nationwide network of infrared thermographers providing training on a variety of applications and the business of infrared thermography. RecoverIR is an aerial thermal mapping company primarily focused on power utility issues such as improving energy efficiencies, weatherization, and identification of lost energy.
Greg is a certified infrared thermographer with thirty years of experience in the construction industry, specializing in maintenance and energy-related technologies. He has published many technical papers on the subject of infrared thermography and numerous articles about applications for infrared thermography in trade publications. He is a member of SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), a member of the Program Committee, Chairman of the Buildings & Infrastructures Session and Co-Chairman of Thermosense, at the Defense and Security Symposium.